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Internal Fat vs. External Fat

Most men and women strive to get rid of excess fat buildup in their face and body, but not all patients know that there is more than one type of fat. If you’ve received liposuction in the midsection but still struggle with extra abdominal “fullness,” this can be indicative of visceral or internal fat causing a bulging or protruding look in the belly. In general, fatty tissue can be divided into two categories: 

It’s important to remember that liposuction is only able to address subcutaneous fat buildup in localized areas of the body — meaning any fat between the internal organs will not be responsive to your procedure. The best results are usually seen when patients combine regular exercise and an active lifestyle with liposuction techniques to gain a more sculpted, athletic physique. By discussing your goals with Utah board-certified plastic surgeon Jared Garlick, MD, he can work with you to formulate an effective, personalized treatment plan to achieve your goals.  

Dr. Jared Garlick is committed to ensuring Utah patients have a good understanding of their liposuction procedure so they have the information they need to make an educated, well-informed choice about their treatment. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Salt Lake City-area practice for more information about body contouring, or to book a consultation

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