Can a Tummy Tuck Help Back Pain?
A tummy tuck is known for aesthetically reshaping the abdomen, allowing a sleeker and tighter contour through a combination of internal muscle repair and excess skin removal. While the benefits of a tummy tuck are certainly cosmetic, the procedure can also help enhance well-being and adjunctively improve health-related conditions caused by separated musculature. Reduced back pain, in particular, is one […]
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Can I Get More Cleavage?
Cleavage refers to the visible space between a patient’s breasts, particularly when pushed together with a bra or swimsuit. Greater cleavage can be a sign of femininity and sensuality, or simply improve one’s fit in certain types of clothing or swimsuits. Cleavage often diminishes after events like pregnancy, menopause, and weight loss, which can make the breasts lose firmness and […]
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How to Get Rid of a Bulging Belly
A protruding, hanging, or bulging look in the abdomen can not only compromise confidence and interfere with the ability to achieve your fitness goals, but may also prevent you from finding a proper fit in clothing. The best approach to getting rid of a protruding belly often involves some combination of healthy lifestyle habits and aesthetic procedures designed to remove […]
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Potential Health Benefits of Breast Reduction
Unlike many aesthetic procedures, the possible benefits of breast reduction surgery aren’t just cosmetic. Breast reduction offers significant breast rejuvenation by removing excess skin, fat, and glandular tissue contributing to an unmanageable breast size. In addition to providing more youthful and shapely breast contours, this can also alleviate the pain and discomfort often associated with overly large breasts. Medical and […]
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Internal Fat vs. External Fat
Most men and women strive to get rid of excess fat buildup in their face and body, but not all patients know that there is more than one type of fat. If you’ve received liposuction in the midsection but still struggle with extra abdominal “fullness,” this can be indicative of visceral or internal fat causing a bulging or protruding look […]
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Should I Take Ozempic® Before or After Surgery?
If you’re looking for new methods of weight loss, you’ve probably heard of Ozempic® — a semaglutide-based medication taken to suppress appetite, increase satiety, and lose weight. Semaglutide injections have become a popular treatment to help healthy patients lose excess weight and can provide an effective complement to a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. With that in mind, many […]
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Over-the-Muscle vs. Under-the-Muscle Placement: Pros and Cons
The most ideal location for your implant is one of the many determinations you’ll make during the breast augmentation process. With every decision, there are pros and cons that should be carefully considered before you finalize your treatment plan. Dr. Garlick and our skilled team have briefly outlined the benefits and limitations usually associated with subglandular placement versus submuscular placement: […]
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Can Dieting and Exercise Make My Breasts Smaller?
Unfortunately, a healthy lifestyle is usually not enough to make the breasts lighter and alleviate the burdens of a dominant breast size. Dieting and exercise can be effective ways to lose weight, but these efforts do not address the stretched skin and excessive glandular tissue that usually contribute to disproportionately heavy breasts. Large, heavy breasts can not only interfere with […]
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Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks After a Tummy Tuck?
There is no perfect “one-size-fits-all” solution to removing stretch marks. Following pregnancy and/or weight gain, stretch marks on the abdomen can create a sagging or crepey skin texture — even after the tummy tuck procedure. Although Dr. Garlick strives to remove as much of a patient’s stretch marks below the naval (belly button) whenever their tummy tuck treatment plan allows […]
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